iCandy Peach Jogger Review by Joanne
I’ve had my iCandy Peach Jogger for nearly three months now and I’ve enjoyed every trip out I’ve had with it. It looks lovely, very modern and feels rock solid, like a proper off-road machine! I’ve tested it with the carrycot and seat unit and it is as light to push with a 2 1/2 year old as it is with a newborn. The steering is fantastic, it’s great for dodging around people on busy high streets and it goes up and down kerbs with ease.
The carrycot is lovely, it looks nice and feels nice. It has a nice big hood to protect against the sun and is very roomy. My 5 month old still has plenty of room in there and he is a big lad. The carry bar is great for hanging toys off but it can be a little stiff to remove. The hood does make a clicking noise when it is pulled up and down, which I quite like but does tend to wake my baby if I’m not careful. I love the way that the carrycot can collapse for travel or storage as every inch counts in these scenarios.
The shopping basket is large and feels very sturdy, it is attached to very strong metal bars and I’ve gotten quite a few heavy things on there which it has carried with ease. It is a little difficult to access in carrcot mode as with most prams but this is only for 6 months and I tend to remove the carrycot before taking things out of the basket when travelling by car.
It is a 2 part fold but the fold is soo easy I don’t think it detracts in anyway. There is a certain knack to folding the chassis down (it’s like using a trumpet!) which is partly why iCandy insist their products are purchased instore. You get such a good demo instore though that you are left in no doubt as to how the whole pushchair system works.
I love the big thick wheels, they cover any terrain with ease. It’s fantastic for when we go geo caching in the woods and it came into its own when faced with the huge hill of Edinburgh zoo. The wheels pop on and off very easily so you can keep your car boot nice and clean. They are easy to clean with the nice moulded plastic of the spokes.
The handle bar extends fantastically for tall people (I’m 5ft 9in) yet it goes very low too. The whole chassis feels incredibly solid, I’ve not come across any prams that feel as solid and I’ve tried rather a lot.
The seat unit is just as nice as the carrycot. It is very roomy, with the seat liner removed and hood unzipped and moved up for toddlers (my nearly 3 year old has bags of room). The seat liner is lovely and cozy for babies and it has the same nice hood as the carrycot. Reclining the seat unit is soo easy, it is done via two buttons – one at each side. I love that it can rear face and face forward, great for chatting to my toddler or for him to see where he is going.
The car seat adapters are useful if you are just nipping in and out the car and don’t want to disturb a sleeping baby. They lift the car seat to a nice height, great for accessing the basket underneath. These are compatible with the maxi-cosi infant carriers.
There is a raincover for the seat unit and a 2nd raincover for the carrycot, they offer great coverage but the plastic is a but crinkly.
I received several accessories with my peach jogger, which are great. A lovely big cup holder – perfect for a nice iced coffee and my toddlers water bottle. The bag is light and big, I just prefer the look of the one that comes with the original Peach. I also got a parasol which attaches with the same attachment as the cup holder and looks lovely and a palm sun shade which has been very handy for the very hot sunny days we’ve been having lately. I prefer the sunshade to the parasol as the parasol has a tendency to move around if it is windy. The sunshade can be used on my other pushchairs and prams too.
I love my Peach Jogger and would definitely buy one if I hadn’t received this one to test.
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