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Mountain Buggy Duet Hood Update
Just a note to say that all new Mountain Buggy Duets have solid hoods ie no holes in the hood. The hoods have also been modified so that they no longer “catch” together – they both freely move independently above each child. One hood used to pull the other across too.
Other Mountain Buggy Duet Reviews:
- Mountain Buggy Duet Instructional Video
- Mountain Buggy Duo and Duet Joey
- Mountain Buggy Duet in Chilli
- Mountain Buggy Duet Hood Update
- Mountain Buggy Duet Review by SW
- Mountain Buggy Duet Review by Katherine
- Mountain Buggy Duet v's TFK Twinner Twist Duo v's Baby Jogger City Elite Double
- Mountain Buggy Duet v's Baby Jogger City Elite Double
- Mountain Buggy Duet v's TFK Twinner Twist Duo
- Mountain Buggy Duet - The First Month - by Cat
- Mountain Buggy Duet - The First Week!
- Mountain Buggy Duet - Hole in the Hood!!
- Mountain Buggy Duet in Car Boots!
- Mountain Buggy Duet Accessories
- Mountain Buggy Duet Photoset
- Mountain Buggy Duet with Children
- Mountain Buggy Duet - Opening the Box
- Mountain Buggy - Duet - Review by Dad of 2
- Mountain Buggy Duet - Stormcover by Cat
- Mountain Buggy Duet review by Lisa
- Mountain Buggy Duet Review by Emma
- Initial Review of the Mountain Buggy Duet by Cat
- Mountain Buggy Duo v's Duet
- Mountain Buggy Duet Video
- Mountain Buggy Announcements
- Mountain Buggy Duet
- Mountain Buggy Duet with Carrycot
- Mountain Buggy Duet Review by Leah
- Mountain Buggy Duet Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair, 2011 by Jus