Babystyle Oyster Max
Introducing the brand new Babystyle Oyster Max!
The Babystyle Oyster Max is an extremely exciting new very compact tandem pushchair that has a very short wheelbase so should be great on public transport or in smaller spaces.
The Oyster Max comes with two seat units, but can also take two carrycots or two car seats in a large variety of combinations. The Oyster Max will therefore be suitable for twins as well as siblings. The seats can face each other too. It should be able to meet every need that a parent requires from a tandem.
The second seat will be the same size as the original Oyster seat and will recline. Therefore there should be no compromise in the level of comfort for the lower child.
The Babystyle Oyster Max is due out in the UK this summer.
- Babystyle at The Harrogate Nursery Fair 2015
- Babystyle Oyster Max 2015 With New Lie Flat Tandem Lower Seat
- Babystyle Oyster Max Review - Submitted to Best Buggy
- Babystyle Oyster Max 2
- Babystyle Oyster 1 v's Babystyle Oyster 2 v's Babystyle Oyster Max Single
- Babystyle Oyster Max Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max v's iCandy Apple 2 Pear
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 v's iCandy Apple 2 Pear v's Babystyle Oyster Max v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Babystyle Oyster Max v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Babystyle Oyster Max at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 v's Babystyle Oyster Max
- Babystyle Oyster Max Review by Sarah
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Final Production Model
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Production Model Photos & Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max - First Production Model Review!
- Babystyle Oyster Max Video
- Babystyle Oyster Max v's Jané Twone by Rachael
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 v's Babystyle Oyster Max
- Babystyle Oyster Max - More Out and About Photos!
- Babystyle Oyster Max Photos
- Babystyle Oyster Max Out and About Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max with Oyster Board
- Babystyle Oyster Max Review by Kerry
- Babystyle Oyster Max Out and About
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Opening the Box Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max With Children
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Tandem Mode
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Single Mode
- Babystyle Oyster Max at The Baby Show, Manchester, 2012, by Aswalia
- Babystyle Oyster Max 1 & 2
- Babystyle Oyster Max Photographs from Harrogate Nursery Fair 2012
- Babystyle Oyster Max