Air Buggy Mimi Double Review
The Air Buggy Mimi Double pushchair astounded us by being very light to push. Even with both the children on board it could be spun round one handed on our gravel! It was so easy to push and is one of the few pushchairs that went straight up and over our door lintel without stopping! Fab!! The light push and fab handling is the major selling point of the Air Buggy Mimi Double. It was as light to push as a Double Nipper 360 but it had the advantage of 4 wheels instead of 3, better seating positions for the children, a higher handle, neater fold, better harness and a full footrest for both children. We have to say the Air Buggy Mimi was good!
The Air Buggy Mimi is a side by side pushchair with a fairly compact and neat fold. It is easy to flick open and be ready to go. The seats are a good size. The children here are aged exactly 3 years old and 15 months. There was ample leg length for our eldest although the footrest is covered with fabric which as you can see from the photos, does get dirty quickly. However it was easy to brush clean. The front edge of the pushchair also gets scratched from folding. But these are really two minor issues. A slightly bigger issue is that the hoods are fairly shallow with no visors, and therefore probably would need some additional shade attaching in summer. The hoods are fixed on individually so could be removed for one child should you wish or for a car seat to be attached. The hoods have 2 peekaboo windows which are fixed by velcro and have toggles to keep them open. Underneath the windows are mesh.
The actual seats are padded with good easy to adjust harnesses and a chunky buckle. There are 3 harness height settings, including a low setting, which would be good for a newborn baby. The seats lie flat, so are suitable from birth. The seats recline using a double zip on each side of each seat which gives a total of 4 seat positions (no zips, 1 zip undone x 2, 2 zips undone). As with all zip reclines it is especially hard to get your hands between the two seats in the middle to undo and do up the inner seat seat zips. Zip reclines to be honest are hard work, especially if you have twins because you could end up undoing 8 zips just to get a flat recline. But this system is not unusual on side by side pushchairs. I have to say I am not sure I would recommend the Air Buggy Mimi for two newborn twins because I suspect the reclining would drive you nutty across time!! I dont think it is quite as bad for just one child. The rear of the seats is covered with mesh and the rear fabric can be removed to reveal this and provide ventilation for a reclined child.
There are two separate good sized baskets underneath the Mimi seats. These have zips at the front for easy access as rear access is not the best. However the two separate baskets caused us an issue because there is nowhere to store the raincover! The raincover has a long metal bar inserted into it along the line of the footrest which does not bend! So I have to say I had no idea what to do with the raincover when out and about!
There is a storage pocket behind each seat and an insulated bottle holder pouch is included.
The handle is a fixed height of 103.5cms which is fairly tall – it was perfect for me at 5ft 6ins tall. The handlebar was foam covered and felt really comfy in my hand.
There is no bumper bar on our Air Buggy Mimi but apparently there is one available. A raincover and mosquito net were included.
The Air Buggy Mimi can take one Maxi Cosi Cabriofix car seat with the addition of adaptors. The fabric would need stripping off one side of the Mimi to fit these on. We managed to put one adaptor on the outside bar without stripping the fabric and it was easy to fit. However stripping the fabric off is not a quick job, so with a newborn, a decision really needs to be made whether to use the car seat or the lie flat seat unit.
The Air Buggy Mimi has four small air tyres. These took all the bumps out of the road and gave a lovely smooth ride for us all. As I said at the start, the Air Buggy Mimi drove straight into our house. There are several places on the way in through our door that a pushchair can get stuck - so its a good test! The wheel caps kept falling off which was annoying! We removed ours in the end. The rear wheels can be easily removed but the front wheels have pins which are awkward to remove and replace.
The Mimi footbrake is a wire one which was easy enough to deploy and flick off again. There is also a wrist strap to prevent the pushchair running away from you!
The fold is simple – simply release the red catch on the side, press the buttons on either side and pull. The Air Buggy Mimi folds in half however the fabric is left on the outside which does leave it vulnerable to getting dirty. The fold isn’t small, but its not huge either. The Mimi freestands when folded which is useful. There is a closing strap to keep the pushchair together when stored.
The blanket in the photos is a 7Am Enfant Duo Blanket from Twins-Store. It is thick like a cosy toes, but is really easy to throw over and attach at the sides. Much easier than footmuffs and as you can see our youngest was asleep in seconds underneath it!
All round the Air Buggy Mimi wins for us on pushability and manoeuverability. It works well off road and the small air tyres work well to give a comfortable ride. The seat recline and hoods are not the best, but we were happy to compromise to have 4 wheels, a long footrest, easy fold and unfold and more. Double pushchairs are all about compromises and we wish we had discovered the Air Buggy Mimi long before we did because its a pretty good side by side twin pushchair!