Baby Jogger City Select Tandem Raincover?
For some time I have been searching for a tandem raincover to go over the Baby Jogger City Select, as I find the individual raincovers faffy – especially when the two seats / carrycot is at the bottom are facing each other because you can’t get your hands under easily. It takes time to fit each, and sometimes for a quick dash into somewhere from the car, or if a sudden rain shower fits, you really dont have the time to fit two close fitting raincovers properly. Also older toddlers can easily kick the raincover off at the bottom.
However I wasn’t sure from looking online, which would fit, how well they would fit, and how well they would be secured so didn’t have the confidence to buy one.
This raincover came with my Graco Quattro Tour Duo. It is far from a perfect fit, but it goes over both seats really quickly with a few velcro tabs to do up at various points down the sides and on the chassis and I think it does a pretty good job quickly and easily. I tried it on forward facing and also with the seats facing each other. I am sure it would go on in the other configurations too and would probably cover the carrycot and certainly a car seat at the front too. Best of all it covers up the basket thus keeping shopping dry.
I can’t say I like this particular Graco raincover because of ventilation mesh down the sides as it obscures the view somewhat. Also it has the covers for the large handlebars that the Quattro Duo has which you can see dangling down at the back. But Graco make a universal tandem raincover and to be honest I would now feel confident about going to buy one for the City Select. Again, it probably wont fit perfectly but a tandem raincover is so much easier to cope with!
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