iCandy Apple 2 Pear v’s Baby Jogger City Select
These photos show the iCandy Apple 2 Pear (left, blue) side by side with the Baby Jogger City Select.
These photos are purely to give an indicator of relative size.
The boy is 2 years 8 months old. He is 87.5cms tall and is on the 9th centile for height.
The first 3 photos on the bottom row of photos show the convertors required to convert these two single pushchairs into tandems.
There is loads of detailed information on both of these pushchairs, here on Best Buggy. There are detailed photosets, showing exactly what each pushchair can do, measurements, reviews etc. Both pushchairs have more seating positions and options than we were able to show in these ‘snapshot’ photos.
We apologise for the strange angle of some of these photos. We were struggling with the sun and shadows, but we needed to get the photos finished.
With many thanks to Nurseryland, Wakefield, and to iCandy for the use of their pushchairs. We appreciate it.
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