The Jané TwOne is a single pushchair which converts into a tandem that can fit two seat units or two travel systems to be stacked on to the chassis. The seat units are one above another rather than one behind the other making a neat package. There are over 80 possible combinations making use of the seat units, Matrix, Rebel and Strata car seats. The Jané TwOne folds very compactly and weighs an amazing 6kgs.
The Jané TwOne is a compact pushchair for two children. The Matrix carrycots can be used in the car - initially in lie flat mode and later sat upright. Very lightweight. Over 80 combinations possible. Small fold. Easy to push with two older children on board. Good sized upright seat units.
The rear seat is very hard to access without removing the upper seat - even to just get a hand in to wipe a nose! There is no basket space in tandem mode. The space is very cramped for an over 2 and a half year old. The upper seat can not be reclined unless the lower seat is reclined.
Tandem (Inline)
6 Months+
Yes as an optional extra
Jané Matrix Light Infant Car Seat / Carrycot
Jané Rebel ProCar Seats
Jané Strata Car Seats
Yes Detachable
Large Hood
Four hard wheels. Front lockable / swivel wheels.
5 Point Safety Harness
Forward and Reverse
Forward & Reverse Positions
Yes included
75 (with both seats on) 72 (with no seats on)
34 (with both seats on) (23 with no seats on)
6 - chassis only
Yes hinged / rotating
Compact Fold
Upper seat has 3 forward and rearward positions. The lower seat has 4 positions.
The Jané TwOne can take 2 Matrix car seats, or 2 Strata car seats, or 2 Matrix Lights
£489 TwOne including chassis, two seat units with bumper bars; £225 Matrix Light; £140 Rebel Pro Car Seat; £157.50 Strata Car Seat; Car Seat Moom Footmuff; £79.99 Nest Footmuff; £15.32 Matrix Light Mattress.
The options are:
Single pushchair - facing in either direction.
Upper seat + Infant car seat
Upper seat + Matrix car seat carrycot (Twin)
Two seat units - both forward facing (Twin from 6 months)
Infant car seat with lower seat
2 Infant car seats (Twin)
1 Infant car seat on top with 1 Matrix Car seat / carrycot (Twin)
2 Matrix car seats / carrycots (Twin)
Although Jane recommend the oldest child goes in the lower seat, access means that it is more practical for the younger child to go underneath as they are less likely to need to get out for the toilet, at the park, or just to walk. It takes some time, and both hands to remove the seat, open the bar underneath to release the lower child - no fun with a sleeping upper child!