Jané Twone
This photoset is of the Jané Twone in tandem mode. There is a separate set of photos of the Jané Twone in single mode.
There are quite a few things to note about the Jané Twone:
First of all, Jané DO NOT recommend that the upper seat parent faces in tandem mode. It is NOT safety tested nor approved, NOR are we recommending it. But we are sharing these photos because a request was made to see them, and we personally found that it is impossible to recline the upper seat with a child sat upright in the lower seat, and for us parent facing the upper seat worked better.
The Jané Twone can be used as a single pushchair, or as a tandem pushchair.
The Jané Twone Upper seat has 3 reclines and a P position which is used for folding in single mode. The recline is done using a handle at the back of the seat.
The Jané Twone Lower seat also has 3 reclines. The first recline is done using two buttons which are pressed in on either side of the seat. The second recline is done using 2 zips at the rear of the seat unit. Equally, the zips can be undone whilst the button recline is left upright. The button recline tilts the seat slightly. The zip recline makes the seat fabric undo and drop down.
The Jané Twone Lower seat has the smallest hood I have ever seen!!!
There is no basket space when there is a child in the lower seat of the Jané Twone. We attempted to put something in the basket, but our 2 year old took great delight in throwing it out as we walked along!
The Jané Twone chassis folds very compactly. The Upper seat squishes flat but the Lower seat is set at a 90 degree angle. This may make storage difficult but when the chassis is folded flat, then the seat wraps around the chassis well.
The Jané Twone is very compact when open and thus would be well suited to users of public transport or where space is at a premium. However, please do be aware of the compromises this brings to the children. The iCandy Peach Blossom is only 1-2cms longer when open, and gives the children much more room and better reclines plus basket space.