Quinny Zapp Review by Best Buggy
- If you pack the underneath basket well with heavy items, and fill this bag with the lighter things then its possible to transport quite a lot without the pushchair tipping.
- I bought this to hold the raincover in. The Quinny raincover is very flimsy. I bought a Graco universal raincover which works great.
The Quinny Zapp was bought as a second small, ‘throw in the car’, pushchair. I have to say I preferred the recline of the Petit Zia but the the Zia is just a tiny bit bigger than the Zapp and wouldn’t fit neatly into my car boot ie it would have had to go diagonal! So we bought the Zapp when my daughter was around 10 months old. I have to say from the first moment my daughter sat in it she loved it. I don’t know why, but the shape is fairly snuggly. The lack of a recline has never bothered her. She has fallen asleep and I haven’t worried about her because she seemed to get enough support. So to be honest I haven’t ever felt that I wished I had got the Zia.
One of the first things I did was to ‘pimp’ the Zapp up. I bought a wedge shaped basket to go on the back with a removeable inner and I bought the official Quinny underneath storage basket. I also bought the fab raincover bag which velcro’s on the side. Zapp’s have a reputation for being easy to tip because they are so light, and so hanging bags off the handles is a definite “no, no”. But I have found that if I packed really carefully with heavy things under the seat that I could get a weeks worth of shopping on the pushchair in various places! The underneath basket particularly in car seat mode is accessible and I can get two reasonably large handbags / changing bags wedged in it. My inner Pacapods fit perfectly in the triangular shaped basket – one on each side.
The other main niggle is the fold. It’s a 1,2,3 step process. It’s marked clearly on the pushchair (see photos) but whilst steps 1 and 2 are simple, step 3 is a knack that almost 2 years on, I still haven’t got right. You have to put the brake on first to stop the pushchair sliding as you put all your weight onto the no 3 button and heave forwards. It’s a strange movement to be honest. This Quinny isn’t too bad because its been well used, but I bought the Quinny Zapp Xtra because I loved this Zapp so much, but sliding the No 3 button forward was so hard that I ended up selling it.
I have to say I wouldn’t have a Quinny Zapp as my only pushchair. Its not that solid, the hood is flimsy, the raincover is a terrible fit (I bought a Graco Universal one which fits much better). The storage space is non existant. You don’t even get the basic net underneath bag with the standard Quinny Zapp. But it fulfils the brief that I had for a pushchair ie something small, folds neatly, slides into a gap allowing the rest of the boot for shopping, is great for nipping into a shop with and for those reasons I think its a fab little pushchair.
I have used this little pushchair a lot. Mainly for nipping in and out of shops for which it is very good. It’s also got such a small footprint that you don’t feel awkward about having the Zapp next to a table at a restaurant, but if you did then its easy enough to fold up and slide under the table. When I was pregnant I used it to get my toddler to the supermarket trolley’s and then would fold it up and slide it underneath the trolley as I did the shopping! It’s great for travelling too, and the travelling bag is a useful addition.
I have to say though I hate it for longer walks. The handles are too low and at an awkward angle for you to hold comfortably. I only ever push it one handed which means I end up taking up double the width of the pavement because I use my right hand on the left handle (I think its just comfy like that!) It’s not really a buggy to do the school run with every morning!
I have to say that the Quinny Zapp is a pushchair that actually improves as it gets older. The fold mechanism loosens up making it easier to use. It’s very cheap to buy replacement seat covers which simply slide into place for a new baby, or even now to buy the Zapp Xtra seat to make an older Quinny suitable for a newborn baby. The Quinny cosy toes fits well as do other brands. You can buy car seat adaptors which convert the Quinny into a travel system with a Maxi Cosi Cabriofix infant seat for those early months. I have to say that I used my Zapp Xtra chassis for the car seat for the first 6 months almost every day. It was perfect to nip in and out of shops but after 6 months of the new fold mechanism I admitted defeat. To be honest, if I had removed the fabric on the old Zapp and used that frame for the car seat, I would probably still be using it (but its set up for my daughter to use with the fabric on and you can’t keep switching between fabric and car seat adaptors). I tried WD40 and all sorts on the new frame but it was just too stiff.
I have to say a more minor niggle is the constant clattering of the wheels. It’s especially bad on certain surfaces. Believe me the whole world will know you are on the way!
But we still have the original Quinny Zapp and it still gets used every week. I love the fact it slides into a corner of my daughter’s room and is there for when we need it. My daughter now aged 2.5 still adores being in the Quinny Zapp.
So its really a positive review – not a good pushchair for long walks but absolutely great for a compact fold functional pushchair to save space in your car boot or to take on holiday. I would recommend it.
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- BOB Revolution CE at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- BOB Revolution SE at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- BOB Revolution SE Duallie at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Out 'n' About New Nipper Colours - Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear at Harrogate Nursery Fair
- Casual Play Livi at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Baby Jogger Summit X3 at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT - All Black and Blue - at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Out 'n About Nipper Single in the Snow
- Bugaboo & Andy Warhol - 'The Flowers' and 'The Cars' Collections
- Uppababy Vista Rumble Seat - No Napping Here!
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT at Sewerby Hall
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT at Nostell Priory
- Out 'n' About Nipper 360 V2 Single Review by Milena
- 2013 Babystyle Oyster Colour Packs
- Silver Cross Wayfarer for 2013
- Micralite Twofold
- Stokke Xplory Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy Strawberry Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy Peach Jogger v's iCandy Peach v's iCandy Strawberry
- Bugaboo Bee v's Easywalker June v's Stokke Scoot v's iCandy Strawberry v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT with Children
- Bugaboo Donkey All Black
- iCandy Peach Jogger - New 2013 Colours!
- Bugaboo Bee v's Easywalker June v's Stokke Scoot v's iCandy Strawberry v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Final Production Model
- Babyzen YoYo - Black and White!
- Kiddy City 'n Move Review by Sarah
- Bugaboo Buffalo - All Terrain Photographs from Bugaboo
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Production Model Photos & Review
- Bugaboo Bee v's Bugaboo Cameleon with 3 Year Old
- Babystyle Oyster v's Mutsy Evo
- Bugaboo Bee v's Mamas&Papas Sola
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT
- Bugaboo Cameleon v's Quinny Buzz
- Bugaboo Cameleon v's iCandy Peach
- Bugaboo Cameleon v's iCandy Peach v's Quinny Buzz
- Black Framed Babyzen YoYo Out and About!
- Babyzen YoYo - Black & White Chassis!
- Bugaboo Buffalo
- Kiddy City 'N Move with Children
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist with Buddy-Seat Review by Best Buggy
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist with Buddy-Seat
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist v's Baby Jogger City Elite
- TFK Joggster Twist with Buddy-Seat and Children!
- iCandy Peach v's Silver Cross Surf
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT in Snow by Best Buggy
- Mountain Buggy Mini Review by Best Buggy
- Mountain Buggy Mini with Children
- Mountain Buggy Mini
- Stokke Xplory in the Snow by Best Buggy
- Easywalker June on the Train by Lou
- Out 'n' About Nipper 360 V2 Review by Milena
- iCandy Peach Jogger About Town
- Bugaboo Bee Plus
- iCandy Peach Jogger in Snow by Best Buggy
- Easywalker June - Second Review by Louise - Parent Facing
- Easywalker June in the Snow
- Stokke Crusi Review - Single Mode by Best Buggy
- Stokke Crusi with Sibling Seat Review by Best Buggy
- Bugaboo 2013 New Jazz Up Summer Tailored Fabrics & Bee Snack Tray
- Babystyle Oyster Max v's Jané Twone by Rachael
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 v's Babystyle Oyster Max
- Baby Jogger City Elite Review by Roberta
- Baby Jogger City Elite v's Air Buggy Mimi
- Stokke Crusi with Sibling Seat
- Easywalker June Review Update by ALK
- Opening the Box - Easywalker June Initial Review by Louise - Forward Facing
- Stokke Xplory V3
- Stokke Xplory v's Stokke Scoot
- Stokke Xplory v's Stokke Crusi v's Stokke Scoot
- Stokke Xplory v's Stokke Crusi
- Stokke Crusi v's Stokke Scoot
- Stokke Crusi - Single Mode
- Stokke Scoot
- Stokke Scoot v's Stokke Xplory With Children
- Stokke Xplory V3 with Children
- Stokke Scoot with Children
- Croozer Kid for 2 Review
- iCandy Cherry v's MyChild Pinto
- Phil&Teds Dot v's Phil&Teds Navigator
- Phil&Teds Navigator
- Phil&Teds Dot
- Bugaboo Cameleon³
- Bumbleride Indie Twin Review
- Bumbleride Indie Twin
- Bumbleride Indie Twin With Children
- Baby Jogger City Versa Review - On The Road
- Baby Jogger City Versa v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT
- Nuna Pepp
- Kiddy City 'N Move Review by Best Buggy
- Kiddy City 'N Move
- Nuna Pepp Review
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT (Crimson) Review by JBH
- Britax B-Agile Double Review
- Britax B-Agile Double
- Britax B-Agile Double with Children
- Babystyle Oyster Review
- Easywalker June Review by Best Buggy
- Easywalker June with Children
- Easywalker June
- Easywalker June Initial Review by ALK
- Babystyle Oyster Max - More Out and About Photos!
- Babystyle Oyster Max Photos
- Babystyle Oyster Max Out and About Review
- Baby Jogger City Versa v's Bugaboo Cameleon
- Baby Jogger City Versa Update Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max Review by Kerry
- Baby Jogger City Mini, City Mini GT and Elite Hoods
- iCandy Peach Jogger Review
- iCandy Peach Jogger on the Beach
- iCandy Peach Jogger with 3 Year Old
- ICandy Peach Jogger on the Beach
- iCandy Peach Jogger
- Babystyle Oyster Max Out and About
- 4Moms Origami with Children
- 4Moms Origami
- Baby Jogger City Versa Review by Sarah
- Petite Star Zia Evolve with Child
- Petite Star Zia Evolve Review
- Hauck Eagle Review by Verity
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT
- Baby Jogger City Versa Photos by Lou
- BabyZen YoYo - Airport and Aircraft Travel by Lisa
- Out 'n' About Narrow Double Nipper 360 V2 Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Opening the Box Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max With Children
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Tandem Mode
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Single Mode
- Micralite Toro Review
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold Review
- Baby Jogger City Versa With Children
- Baby Jogger City Versa
- Babyzen YoYo Out and About
- Babyzen YoYo Review by Best Buggy
- Orbit Baby Double Helix at Kind Und Jugend 2012
- Baby Jogger City Versa - It's Here!
- Bugaboo Cameleon³ Bumper Bar / Carrying Handle
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold v's Micralite Toro
- Special Edition Jané Rider Classic at The Baby Show, Manchester, 2012, by Aswalia
- Babystyle Oyster Max at The Baby Show, Manchester, 2012, by Aswalia
- Bugaboo Cameleon³ at The Baby Show, Manchester, 2012, by Aswalia
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT at The Baby Show, Manchester, 2012, by Aswalia
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold
- Micralite Toro with Children
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold with Children
- Micralite Toro
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold
- Chicco Nunù with Children
- Chicco Nunù Review
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT Review
- Jané Twone by Rachael
- Baby Jogger City Versa v's Baby Jogger City Select by Carolyn
- Baby Jogger City Versa Photos By Carolyn
- Uppababy Cruz Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Select - A Parent Facing Carrycot?
- Jané Twone Review
- Jané Twone v's iCandy Peach Blossom 2
- Mountain Buggy +One - A Parent Facing Option?
- Uppababy Cruz with Children
- Uppababy Cruz
- Jané Twone with Children
- Jané Twone
- Jané Twone - Single Mode
- Bugaboo Cameleon & Quinny Yezz - The Perfect Holiday Combination!
- Smyths Dimples Duo
- Smyths Dimples Duo
- Smyths Dimples Duo Review by Rachael
- Joolz Day v's Bugaboo Frog
- Ten Single Pushchairs with Reversible Seats with Children
- Babystyle Oyster Review by Best Buggy
- Bumbleride Indie 3 Single Review
- Uppababy Vista with Rumble Seat Review by Best Buggy
- ABC Single Adventure Buggy with Top Mounted Static Toddler Seat
- iCandy Pear Review & Photoset
- Kolcraft Contours, Joovy Ergo, Graco Quattro Tour Duo, Baby Jogger City Select, Joovy Ultralight & iCandy Peach Blossom
- Joovy Ergo Caboose Review by Best Buggy
- Hauck Duett v's Britax B-Dual
- More Baby Jogger City Elite Double Photos with Children!
- Baby Jogger City Select Tandem Raincover?
- Baby Jogger City Elite Double Review by Best Buggy
- Mima Xari v's Mima Kobi
- Stokke Xplory v's Mima Kobi
- Baby Jogger City Mini Carrycots
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2012 - 11 month old & 2.9 year old
- Easywalker Duo v's Baby Jogger City Elite Double
- Baby Jogger City Elite with Children!
- Twinner Twist Duo Photos with Children
- Twinner Twist Duo in a Mini!
- Five Tandems - Phil&Teds Verve, iCandy Peach Blossom 2, Baby Jogger City Select, Britax B-Dual, Mima Kobi
- Baby Jogger City Elite Double
- Baby Jogger City Mini Double 2011 v's Baby Jogger City Elite Double
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2012 With Children
- The Mima Kobi Visits The City Of York
- Easywalker Duo Photoset
- Easywalker Duo Review by Best Buggy
- B-Dual with Maxi Cosi Car Seat
- Trends for Kids Twinner Twist Duo Review - First Outing & First Impressions!
- Babyhome Emotion Xtreet Review by Rachael
- Mima Kobi - Out & About
- Mima Kobi - Comfy Seating Positions for Children
- Mima Kobi Review - Opening the Box & First Impressions!
- Exclusive - First UK Review of the Mima Kobi
- iCandy Strawberry
- iCandy Peach Special Edition's 2011 / 2012 - the World and London
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2012 Photo Gallery
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2012 - Photo Gallery - Out and About
- Hauck Duett - Raincover / Possible Newborn Mode for Rachael
- Bugaboo Bee photos by Theresa
- Quinny Buzz 4 photos by Theresa
- Phil & Teds Sport double pushchair photos by Theresa
- Out n About Nipper 360 double photos by Theresa
- iCandy Pear double photos by Theresa
- Hauck Duett Review by Best Buggy
- 2010 Baby Jogger City Select photos by Theresa
- Phil & Teds New Explorer pictures by Theresa
- 2010 iCandy Peach & Peach Blossom photos by Theresa
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 and Peach Blossom Twin 2012
- UK Exclusive for Best Buggy of the iCandy Peach Blossom 2012
- Phil&Teds Verve v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Britax B-Dual 2011 v's Phil&Teds Verve
- Phil & Teds Verve 2011 Photo Set
- Phil & Teds Verve Review by Best Buggy
- Britax B-Dual 2011 v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Britax B-Dual 2011 Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy Strawberry
- iCandy Peach Jogger / All Terrain
- Baby Jogger City Select 2010 Photos
- Leebruss Takeoff Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Mini Single 2010 v's Quinny Zapp
- Quinny Zapp Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Mini Single 2010 Review by Best Buggy
- Phil & Teds Dash v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Mutsy Urban Rider with Duo Seat from the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2011 by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Mini Single Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair 2011 by Best Buggy
- Emotion Xtreet by Babyhome Review from the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2011 by Best Buggy
- Red Kite Push Me Twin Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Elite Double vs Mini Review by Theresa
- Baby Jogger City Mini Double vs Elite Review by Theresa
- Baby Jogger City Mini 2011 Review by Best Buggy
- Bugaboo Donkey Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair, 2011, by Jus
- Britax B-Dual 2011 Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair by Jus
- Mountain Buggy Duet Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair, 2011 by Jus